Resist the Federal Police State.

The attacks in London are beginning to stimulate the Paranoia here - particularly in DC and NYC. Some New Yorkers do not think to highly of Bloomberg's response (tip to Drudge). Good for them.
I must admit that I am feeling somewhat conflicted. While I believe that we, liberty-minded people, must be diligent in resisting every encroachment upon our liberties as they arise - I wonder if such resistance helps or hurts our ultimate cause? Consider, I think it is clear that another successful attack within our borders would create hysteria of such a magnitude that the resulting devolution into an Orwellian-police state would occur overnight. Can you say, "Patriot Acts III, IV, V, and VI - the Kremlin model?" Indeed, the American people are, I'm afraid, a London-style bombing away from trading whatever liberty and privacy that we have left in exchange for state-provided security. You doubt me - check this out. Don't get me wrong, I am of the firm belief that an autonomous life, untouched by state interference, is infinitely preferable to the alternative despite the ever-present possibility of death by terrorist. Call me Patty Henry - I'll take my chances. But, I am quite confident that I am in the minority in that regard.
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