Monday, July 18, 2005

Adventures in Stupid Legislation

Another day, another law.
Mother-Hillary is concerned about sex in video games... In a letter to the FTC, Clinton wrote:

We should all be deeply disturbed that a game which now permits the simulation of lewd sexual acts in an interactive format with highly realistic graphics has fallen into the hands of young people across the country.

Ha! Insert joke here...
And this is just asinine. Thankfully, I think it's dying - as well it should. I agree that pit bulls can be vicious and they do tend to be involved in a disproportionate number of dog-bite-fatalities. Not to mention the strange fact that so many pit bull owners seem to enjoy adorning their "pets" with choker-chains more suitable for an adult lion or Brian Nichols. Must be compensating for something..., right? Still, just because many such owners flaunt the relative substandardness of their intelligence quotient and their breed of choice occasionally mauls a neighborhood kid or unsuspecting old lady, it does not warrant prohibition legislation of the canine-eugenics model. Like bad parents, irresponsible dog-owners (aka, wife-beater clad thugs who mistreat these dogs) can, and should, be held liable for the damage caused by their pets. Muzzle the owner, not the animal.


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