Thursday, June 30, 2005

Zimbabwe Update

Mugabe has implemented another gun grab. Hat tip to David Kopel at Volokh for the link. Don't these schemes always smell funny? A government seizes the guns of its citizens to solidify the state's monopoly on the use of legal force for two, and only two, reasons: to subordinate and weaken the law-abiding citizenry in an effort to increase dependency upon the state or, (one step further) to guaranty that the disarmed people are powerless to prevent whatever tyrannical scheme the power-whores have planned. Go figure where this one is headed.

Kopel opines:

Perhaps the most effective foreign aid which should be sent to the people of Zimbabwe would be millions of rifles, so that the people would no longer be defenseless against the depredations of one of the most evil governments in all of African history.


Related Posts:
1. How to Destroy a Country.


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