Thursday, June 30, 2005

Attention all Nanny-State'er's: Get Out, and Keep Out.

Mad Bokononist props to my favorite Burger joint, the Vortex (even though I don't eat cow or buffalo), for telling the state of Georgia what they think of the state's new public smoking ban:

VORTEX TO REMAIN SMOKER-FRIENDLY At The Vortex Bar & Grill we are staunch supporters of individual liberty and freedom of choice. But unfortunately the State of Georgia is not. Under the rules of the new "Georgia Smokefree Air Act of 2005," we are legally prohibited from offering smoking as an option for our customers unless we restrict minors from our premises. We are saddened that the State government is forcing us to limit the choices we offer our clientele, but since The Vortex was established as a social gathering place for adults, we will continue to
offer the option of smoking to our patrons.

Therefore, EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2005 you must be 21 years old to enter The Vortex. We are deeply concerned that more citizens do not understand the real danger in government-sponsored Smoking Bans and other types of coercive legislation that violate individual choice and private property rights. Yes, tyranny is alive and well and can often be found hiding behind the label of "Public Safety."

I don't want to eat with a bunch of puritans anyway.


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