McCain's Constitutionalism
While addressing the SCOTUS decision in Boumediene v. Bush yesterday, Johnny Mac let us on, once again, to his disdain for classical conceptions of liberty:
We are now going to have the courts flooded with so-called, quote, Habeas Corpus suits against the government, whether it be about the diet, whether it be about the reading material.
Seriously? Using the scare quotes with respect to "habeas corpus?" How in the hell can so-called "conservative"-voters continue to support a person with such antipathy toward personal liberty and a sound belief in the benevolence of the state (in the right hands)? Does he have no understanding what-so-ever of the historical significance of the Great Writ? I am assuming that it must have crossed his mind at some point during his not-so-short tenure in Hanoi.
Over the last few years I have come around to thinking that we, American-citizens, are pretty freakin lucky to have been birthed on our side of these imaginary boundaries drawn by our expansionist country-builders. I can think of a rather lengthy list of worse places that my gametes could have fused. Anyway, as a true believer in "natural rights," absolute human liberty," and utopian-minarchism, it is my philosophical duty to support and defend the rights of all people against the ever-increasing intrusion of any state; notwithstanding the side of the line those people happen to reside. So here I go: any reader of this blog knows of my disgust for, and distrust of, McCain's desire to use the federal state to promote his notion of "National Greatness," whatever that may be. Well, here's a proposal for Mr. National Greatness, how about using your bully pulpit to explain to the world that the United States believes in absolute human freedom and will always defend that freedom, even against it's own over-zealous executives?
Too much to ask, I know. Particularly from someone who has had a tendency to even scare-quote the "First Amendment."
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