Friday, June 24, 2005

Busy-bodies Keeping Busy

So, the Republican busy-bodies are at it again. Just in time for Independence day, the House is sending the Flag Burning Amendment to the Senate. Get ready for the soon to come bombardment of illogical, overly emotional, despicable demagoguery such as this little nugget of bull squeeze from Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham, (R) of San Diego:

"Ask the men and women who stood on top of the [World] Trade Center... Ask them and they will tell you: pass this Amendment."

Pardon my French, but, "what an idiot." Thanks alot San Diego. Flag burning is speech. Of course there are no words involved, but I don't think the angry mobs that tend to spark up 'ole glory are doing so for the warmth of the flame. The sole purpose of such an action is to express a point of view -- largely, F.U.U.S.A. And while that message might offend some, even me to some extent, the offensive nature of the act is very reason for its protected status.

Eugene Volokh at the VC has a great take on the issue here.


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